Sunday, December 28, 2008

Kagami Biraki ~ or translated "Mirror Opening"

Many traditional Japanese martial arts organizations welcome the new year with a traditional celebration of renewal and spiritual rededication. Known as Kagami Biraki, the tradition dates back to an old Samurai family practice that started in the 15th century. It was brought into modern judo by Sensei Jigoro Kano in 1884.
For Judoka today, the Kagami Biraki will have no religious significance. However, it is set up as a time for students to engage in a common purpose and devote their spirit, effort and discipline toward goals, such as training.
Celebrations are different in various dojos. Traditionally each dojo is cleaned and refreshed. Especially the mirrors which hold many symbolic meanings during this celebration. We appreciate all that came to help tidy up our dojo during our last practice for the year!
Traditionally, Kagami Biraki officially falls on January 11th but in many dojo's it is usually held on the second Saturday or Sunday of January, or a date most convenient for all dojo participants. Our dojo, will be celebrating on Monday, January 5, 2009 with dojo members, honored guests and others who would like to join us!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Note About Thursday, December 18th.

This Thursday, we will be having a special "Winter Clean Up" during practice! Please bring in any rags, cleaner, etc to help us tidy up our Dojo!!! This will be the last practice before our two week break, so make sure to put it on your calendars!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Treasure Valley Shiai

December 9, 2009
Our junior students competed in Boise on Saturday. We had 8 Judoka representing our club. It was our second tournament of the season and another chance for our kids to put into action what they have learned! There is a lot of work to do but we continue to see growth and the kids are becoming super friends!

SoMe ExTrA pRaCtIce...

November 29,2008 Peter and Matt Campbell from the Boise State University club came and worked out with us. The instruction was great and the atmosphere was amazing! Thanks to all who came to help us learn a little bit more about Judo!!! Take a peek at our day...

Idaho State University Tournament

November 15, 2008
A few families made it to Pocatello to compete in the first tournament of the season. It was learning opportunity for parents and Judoka alike.